Wikipedia is a free, open content online encyclopedia created through the collaborative effort of a community of users known as Wikipedians . Anyone registered on the site can create an article for publication; registration is not required to edit articles. Because Wikipedia is easily edited, it’s not considered reliable. But it is commonly used and can be useful as a starting place for research, especially for finding the sources that are cited in each article.
The full top 25 most-read articles on Wikipedia in 2015 is:
1. Deaths in 2015 (27,885,484 views)
2. Chris Kyle (27,765,570 views)
3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens (23,523,985 views)
4. Facebook (22,330,302 views)
5. Stephen Hawking (20,060,944 views)
6. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (19,335,481 views)
7. List of Bollywood films of 2015 (18,171,094 views)
8. Google (18,107,283 views)
9. Avengers: Age of Ultron (17,409,029 views)
10. United States (16,855,064 views)
11. Kanye West (16,478,369 views)
12. Game of Thrones (16,135,993 views)
13. Star Wars (15,580,814 views)
14. Wikipedia (15,157,792 views)
15. Furious 7 (14,740,823 views)
16. Jurassic World (14,283,010 views)
17. Donald Trump (14,052,391 views)
18. Fifty Shades of Grey (13,362,580 views)
19. Pablo Escobar (13,190,232 views)
20. India (12,864,393 views)
21. 2015 in film (12,542,233 views)
22. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. (12,436,450 views)
23. Ronda Rousey (12,298,765 views)
24. Paul Walker (12,201,471 views)
25. World War II (12,149,875 views).